Call me crazy I just use my wallet to hold gift cards but then I’ve already admitted I’m cheap. Then, when the card balance changes after I buy something I write on the giftcard with a Sharpie. Yup, I’m a sharpie girl. But for those of you who are a bit more obsessive compulsive then me, this is a place to store your post holiday fun. A gift card wallet with a little card to update card balances, etc. Genius. 

Other shit I wish I’d thought of first?

1) Those icicle lights everyone and their mom uses nowadays. I grew up in Southern California. I would have KILLED for these when I was a kid.

2) Holiday cheese logs– Genius! This is the only kind of cheese made in America that I won’t eat. (There are about 500 French cheeses I won’t eat, particularly the smelly ones). Now if only they could figure out how to make all my favorite cheeses totally unappetizing-looking. I’d lose tons of weight in a matter of weeks and we’d be able to rename this blog.

How about you? Which inventions would you love to claim? (and no, they don’t have to be holiday themed)

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