R.I.P. Ab ball.

Yes, in less then 24 hours I managed to tear a gigantic hole in my ab ball thanks to my freaking pants. Note to self. When using ab ball at the gym you wear running pants. When using ab ball as a chair you must be conscious of which articles of clothing rub against LARGE PLASTIC INFLATIBLE.

I was on the phone with my friend Julie while doing the bouncy ab ball thing. There was a loud farting sound as I got a bit too enthusiastic with my stomach crunches (yes I was doing crunches while on the phone) and slid off the ball. While wearing cordorouy pants. And the pants have metal buttons on the back pockets causing a loud farting sound as  I slid.

Bless Julie she didn’t say anything and I had to actually mute the phone until I stopped laughing. Large tear = RIP ab ball #1. I went to Target and bought #2 but I haven’t inflated it yet. At this rate it’s going to be more expensive then my running shoe habit.

14 Responses to “CarbKiller: A Loud Farting Sound”

  1. Hogzilla says:

    OMG this is the best story ever.

  2. CarbKiller says:

    Yeah I basically couldn’t even tell her what happened because I was laughing too hard.

  3. LOL oh man that’s so sad! And yet funny. Yes, wear yoga pants 😀

  4. CarbKiller says:

    But Shelli I can’t live in yoga pants! My next size down jeans are half my weight loss motivation!

  5. Awesome. You killed the ab ball. LOL


    Should not have had full bladder while reading this!

  7. CarbKiller says:

    Thanks RG, that wasn’t *quite* my plan. But yes I destroyed the ab ball.

    Cyndi we aim to please. LOL.

  8. Jeannie says:

    Oh no! Well, lesson learned and at least you were on the phone with a good friend and not a potential employer/date/etc.

  9. Caitlin says:

    OMG!!! i don’t have an ab ball for fear i would kill it…and this proves that I am more then capable as I would have doen the EXACT SAME THING!!! *dies of laughter*

  10. Julie Hurwitz says:

    Yes, Julie was too polite to ask what that strange sound was.


  11. CarbKiller says:

    Jeannie, that’s an excellent point.

    Caitlin, apparently I beat you to it.

    And Julie, that’s what I love about you, although I really wish I’d been able to tell you on the phone. I can’t believe I popped it in less then 24 hours. OMG.

  12. Leigh Royals says:

    Hil-frickin’-larious. Have you seen the adult versions of that ball? Two practical uses in one….

  13. LOL
    Totally cracking up over here!

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