Depression can be very, very sneaky. It can grab a hold of you when you least expect it…and then what do you do?

Well, if you’re me, you try to eat, drink, and sleep it off.

And then you wake up fat and dumpy slightly more curvy than expected. (And winter is coming (hur hur)…I need to be able to fit into my pants!)

WTF happened to me? I was motivated. I did a damn Half Marathon, I lost 50lbs! I survived a divorce, fell in love again, got a job…I shouldn’t be depressed!

But, sometimes your circumstances don’t have anything to do with your emotional status. Sometimes, you just wanna be in a coma sleep.

The last time this happened to me, it was after I had separated from my husband. So what did I do when I realized I was eating, drinking, and sleeping my life away? I focused my energy on diet and exercise and therapy. And wow, what a world of good that did me! Like, in just a few months, I became myself again!

So I find myself circling that drain of depression again. Financial burdens are weighing on my shoulders, my stressful work situation is agitating me, and…well, I just seem to be treading water. I’m just surviving life. And I’m not good with just surviving. I have always been fond of choosing to live. Choosing happiness. Choosing my state of mind.

And with that admission comes this…I chose to join a Beginner’s Bootcamp starting Wednesday. 9 sessions in 5 weeks.  And on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I’ll be walking…working my way back up to a run. Because I’m signing up for the Little Rock Half Marathon again.

I’m all in. I gotta be more proactive in my life. I am not going to sit around and feel sorry for myself any longer. I am choosing to engage. It’s not going to be easy. And I’m sure you’re going to hear all about it. But, with hard work and a little luck, maybe I’ll get back on track to reclaiming my awesome.

Anyone still out here? Anyone with me?

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6 Responses to “Hogzilla: Revival”

  1. Cinde Morris says:

    I was there the first time! Ran my first 5k with Fat Chicks…..and I’ll be here with you again. 🙂

  2. Lynne says:

    I would love to come along on your journey!!

  3. Hogzilla says:

    Hop on the crazy train, Lynne! Welcome aboard.

  4. Hogzilla says:

    YAY Cinde! So glad you’ll still be around. This could be extremely messy, since I’m almost 4 years older…heh

  5. Tona says:

    I just stumbled across your blog today and feel that I have found some kindred spirits. I sent the link to my “running buddy” girlfriends. I now have you bookmarked, so I will be returning often.

  6. Hogzilla says:

    Okay, I’ve tried to reply to your comment twice now. Here I go again…

    Welcome! Glad you found us! As you can see, we don’t really take ourselves very seriously around here. We try to be seriously about getting fit, but we do a lot of mouthing off and cussing in the process. Hope you enjoy and please feel free to share your experiences!

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