Welcome Saudi Arabia! El Salvador! Czech Republic! and Taiwan!

I have to confess, one of the best parts of blogging is keyword analysis. You can use StatCounter.com or GoogleAnalytics but learning the details of this site just cracks me up. Particularly when I discover we have readers from every continent except Antarctica (come ON South Pole rearchers, we know you’re bored down there!) And of course, the closet writer inside me starts to wonder…

Here is how you got here:

#1 search:   FAT CHICKS (notice the all caps)- $50 says this is guys looking to score with unskinny women. When women discuss weight problems they say things like obesity and overweight, or they’ll mutter about being fat. Only a guy would throw down the phrase FAT CHICKS in all caps. Hello gentlemen and welcome. 

My person favorite was “can fat chicks run?” – YES! It’s not always fun (particularly if you don’t train) but it is DEFINITELY doable. Stick around you might learn something.

Fat people on hovercrafts– Um…WHAT? You weren’t just looking for hovercrafts (which I get if you’re into military stuff) you wanted FAT people on hovercrafts! What the hell is wrong with you? go read a book!

Costco Food Guide– Oh how I would love to see the looks on the faces of Costco executives when they discover out a search on Costco’s Food Court takes you to a website where fat chicks bitch and moan about running! (I also recommend www.calorieking.com)

Farting Jeans– What in the hell is this? I’m a pretty creative person but even I can’t figure out how you go from “farting jeans” to “fat chicks running” unless… oh my God they found my post about the Ab Ball!

And my personal favorite:

Easy Fat Chicks in Ohio?

I like that it was asked as a question. I’m sorry brother but I have no answer for that one.

The mind boggles.

One Response to “CarbKiller: Keyword Analysis”

  1. […] no, for the guy googling “Easy Fat Chicks in Ohio” I don’t mean lube […]

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