Remember back in February when my OCD manifested itself  in racing goals?

You might remember it better if you see:


Yup,  just more proof that a picture *is* worth a thousand words. For those who prefer text you can check out the details HERE.

Anyway, the dates (SF is just added) at the moment include:

  • Long Beach International City Bank Marathon – October 11, 2009
  • Surf City USA® Marathon – February 7, 2010
  • The San Francisco Marathon™ – July 25, 2010

Now, I’m not sure how I’ll get to SF in the summer. There is no way I can afford it at the moment. Especially since hotels in the area must cost a friggin fortune and my recent 3AM Disney debacle tells me I need to stay nearby…

We will see, but at the moment I’m aiming for the first two races and hoping for the third.

Go! Go! Gadget Goals!

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