CarbKiller on April 9th, 2013

I have one week left in my 28 day Dietbet and I’ve reached the point where the novelty of eating clean has worn off a bit. I need to lose two more pounds in the next 7 days, which is reasonable but I’m sitting on a pretty big plateau I’ve been fighting off and on for awhile. It […]

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CarbKiller on April 3rd, 2013

Okay I should call today “Off the Wagon” because I’m pretty sure I ate everything that wasn’t nailed down. Or at least it seemed like it considering how well I’ve been doing. I’ll report back later today to see what the damage was but I’ll deal with whatever happens. I really need to learn how […]

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CarbKiller on March 29th, 2013

Well, the rate at which crazy people kept joining my diet bet appears to have slowed. A friend of mine (the one who started my new Diet Bet addiction) just finished her Diet Bet and shared a couple new details about the challenge. So this is how it works. Say 10 people go into a […]

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