I’m baaack? Or am I?

You know it’s funny. A few months ago I couldn’t imagine falling off the fitness wagon. I had dropped a size, dropped 20+ pounds, dropped my double chin…and I felt like a million dollars.

Then I ran my 5K. I was so proud and exhausted. So I took a week off. Then it was my birthday, then I got my hot tattoo, then, then, then, then…

And the next thing you know, it’s been 2 months since I really worked out. WTF happened?

Not only did I fall off the fitness wagon, I ended up falling into the emotional eating wagon. Big time. And since this has been a very stressful two months for me, believe me when I say, I’ve been numbing the stress with food. And booze. Mmmmm, booze.

Anyway, yesterday I took a walk for an hour. Today, I hit the gym. Cute Little Trainer Boy 2 (CLBT2) was happy to see me. He busted my chops big time.

CLBT2: where you been?

Me: I’ve been coming in the mornings.

CLBT2: bullshit

Me: yeah. totally bullshit.

I did the elliptical for 22 minutes and the circuit room. I held 6lbs weights when I did the step. I noticed when I did the weight machines, I had gotten weaker in my 2 months of lethargy. I had to drop down a weight on almost every machine. That was depressing.

But I’m back. I’m watching my calories, watching the booze (mmmm. boooooze.) and getting back into the routine.

I can’t promise to blog daily but I’m really going to try to keep you guys updated. Sorry we’ve been so slack in our fitness duties. Hopefully coming back here will keep me accountable and motivated like it did before.

Anything up with y’all? How you doing?

4 Responses to “Hogzilla: The Return: Again”

  1. Lynn says:

    Welcome back! Being perfect isn’t a requirement…and you can’t undo the past two months by beating yourself up about not working out…just get through today the best you can and work out again tomorrow! Life happens to get in the way of our plans. You can do this!


  2. Hogzilla says:

    thx Lynn. I know I can’t be perfect, but damn, a girl’s gotta have a goal, right? LOL I appreciate your support. I’m totally glad to be back!

  3. Caitlin Greene says:

    YAY HG! i am glad you are back, i need your inspiration when the voices tell me that eating fudge-cicles in bed is more fun then running (they are right but what are you gonna do)

    you guys really inspired me to go running, as much as i hate it and it seems to be going well, so you are doing something right!

  4. KJ says:

    Good for you baby. I’ve been crap. Totally off for like evah. But I must so something. I don’t know what. Guess what I’ll be 40 on Thursday and still have the weight. I’m pissed at me. Oh well I said it here.
    Something will give. I’ll take some walks do what I can and come back here for motivation. Thanks for the vent.

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