Hogzilla on February 7th, 2014

Hey ladies! If you’ve got big boobs and you cannot lie…tell me, doesn’t running suck? I love my Krakens. I really do. They are things of art. They make me want to believe in a higher power. My cleavage makes the gods weep. But let’s face it, trying to strap down these 38Gs so that […]

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Hogzilla on September 12th, 2012

Tonight, I start bootcamp. I’ll bitch about that tomorrow. Today, I officially registered for the Little Rock Half Marathon. This will be my second half. And I’m excited.  Here’s a couple of pics of me and my crew when we did the half a few years ago. (The very same half marathon that prompted the […]

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Hogzilla on July 13th, 2011

Anyone out there but me remember Morris Day and the Time? Specifically, do you remember their song: The Walk? (aside–it was the very first ‘dirty’ song I remember understanding was dirty…) Anyway, there is a verse that goes: Who? Me? I wear baggies, zip, snap, and drop. Easy access baby. Yes, before you get a […]

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CarbKiller on October 23rd, 2008

Have you ever wondered what $119.95 looks like? Well look no further. I went shoe shopping and picked up a pair of $119 shoes and they’re not even going to get me laid. Well, okay theoretically once I drop all this weight I’ll… but you get my point. Anyway, I had a lovely conversation at the store […]

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CarbKiller on October 23rd, 2008

I originally thought this was going to be an anonymous venture where nobody knew who we were. Then it occurred to me (probably around the same time it occured to HZ) that our friends already know we’re fat so why would we hide the diet and exercise part? So here we are. Our official start […]

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