Hogzilla on November 1st, 2008

I’m not worried yet because it’s not swollen. But last night when I went to bed, my knee was hurting. This morning when I put weight on it, I almost collapsed from the pain. Now that I’ve been moving and worked out some of the stiffness it’s better, but it still hurts. Hello Advil, welcome […]

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Hogzilla on October 31st, 2008

So I can fly far, far away don’t have to run anymore. Why did I think this was a good idea? If I had forgotten about the 76 extra pounds that I’ve been carrying around for a while, then I remembered them last night. If I had forgotten how much I hated running during my […]

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Hogzilla on October 29th, 2008

I’m sorry, I can’t come to the phone right now because my whole body feels like it has been put through a meat grinder. Will someone please bring me 3 Advil, then open my mouth and shove them down my throat for me? Kthxbai. I met my friend at her house and we decided to […]

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