Okay I don’t get it. I was looking at my calendar today and I literally have something planned EVERY weekend for the rest of the year. This is why I can’t stand the holiday season. It’s not like life gets simpler plus you get pumpkin pie and eggnog. Noooo. It’s all the usual stuff (and more) PLUS holiday lunacy. Did you get the right gift? Did you forget anything? Did you miss anyone? Did you turn off the curling iron? The list goes on and on.

Oh, and I’ll be running all through the season. At least the good endorphins overshadow the need for advil now. WOOT! 

One more thought, why can’t I bring myself to wake up early and go running? The weather is nicer, the sky is beautiful and frankly, it’s a good thing. So why can’t I bring myself to do it?

I used to be a morning person!

Okay so I have to ask…when do you work out? Do you have a mostly-set schedule like HZ or do you do it when you start feeling guilty (my strategy of choice). Am I the only one?

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5 Responses to “CarbKiller: Come on let’s go!”

  1. I mostly work out in the morning; it’s what works for my schedule and my lifestyle, but I don’t start work until 10 a.m., and by the time I’ve put in my work day, I just don’t want to work out. Sometimes I’ll work out at lunch and take a 2-hour break in the middle of the day to work out, shower, etc., but I prefer to get the workout done early in the day. That way no matter what else comes up, I’ve already worked out.

  2. Jodie says:

    I work out in the afternoon after the man gets home – it’s cooler than in the morning, considering that the man leaves at 5am – I won’t go for a run at 4.30am thanks LOL. On saturday I did it once at 6.30am and it was HOT!! Sweltering. I went on sat arvo the next time… much better.

  3. Laura says:

    I used to get up before work and do workout videos but walking or running outside is a bit more difficult – particularly because I take the boys (my dogs) with me. They’re not overly car savvy, plus they startle people coming out when it’s still dark (which it would have to be if I was going to do this AND get to work at the regular time). So I do the running now in the evenings – usually the second I get home, to avoid the dark thing again. On weekends though, I usually do it fairly early to get it over with but after the sun comes up. So basically, I guess when I work out depends on other factors. I like to run when it’s daylight (although I did run after dark last night) but can do a workout video any time.

    Did that answer the question?

  4. Oh, I do it when I start feeling guilty. *G* Which is why I usually do it once during the weekend, and then both Saturday and Sunday because omg I have to get my three times a week in! (I’ll admit, last week, I seriously considered whether two different walks on the same day “counted”).

    I would love to get it done before work, but considering I start at 6am, there’s no way it’s going to happen.

  5. CarbKiller says:

    Thanks for responding everyone!

    I’m thinking guilt is a huge motivator Aislinn. I think it just takes me most of the day to guilt myself into working out. Once I’m out running it’s fine but getting there is a struggle. Ah well, at least I’m doing it.

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