It’s Friday night! WOOT! I spent a majority of my day reading real estate stuff which was all kinds of fun. And joy of all joys I had to sit in a courthouse to do it. For those of you who might not actually know this. Courthouses suck. They don’t allow cellphones with cameras and therefore forced me to leave my phone in my car. Like I don’t care about the camera I just NEED me phone! *whimper*

So by the time 5pm rolled around and they kicked me out I was just exhausted. Isn’t it amazing just how exhausting pushing papers can be? No wonder why we’ve become a nation full of fatties. We sit at our desks for HOURS and by the time we are liberated from work the last thing we want to do is go be active. We want to nap. And let me tell you I REALLY wanted to nap. Instead I read HZ’s post and her blog reminded me of my goals.

So I dragged my sorry but to the gym.

And then after the gym I decided to reward myself I was going to stop by my favorite place in the whole wide world.

I really needed a three ring binder. HOLY COW! Can I just say those things cost like $1000 nowadays? When did binders become $10 or more? Are they deranged?

In my day, the holy grail of binders was 

The Trapper Keeper (I desperately wanted a unicorn one)

The Trapper Keeper - I desperately wanted a unicorn one

Today’s binder? Total ripoff.

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One Response to “CarbKiller: Friday Night LIGHTS!”

  1. Hogzilla says:

    they still make Trapper Keepers…they just don’t have the Unicorns on them anymore. LOL

    Good girl to go work out despite your exhaustion. That’s the hardest part of this. I prefer to workout in the mornings–get it over with. But to do this with my friends, I have to do afternoons. So it’s hard for me to go sometimes.

    I’m proud that you didn’t buy another Fanny Pack. I’m getting a little worried about ya.

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