So running is pretty much out since air quality looks a bit like:
Downtown LA Skyline

Downtown LA Skyline

And thanks to high winds the nasty air isn’t just in the fire zones. A LOT of coastal areas look like this. Breathing is…difficult as you might imagine. The air is so bad they had to reschedule the Pasadena Marathon.

Anyone else having flashbacks of post apocalyptic movies?

I took this image from Yahoo! you should totally go look at the rest of them, they’re fascinating.

They can be found HERE.

The fires are a couple miles from my parents house with 40-80 mile an hour winds. Have you ever heard of Santa Ana winds? Mom and dad live *in* Santa Ana. Greeeeeat.

Update: Now the American Lung Association is saying not to go outside if you don’t have to. Looks like I’ll be doing a lot of workout videos this week. *sigh*

For those in affected areas we are supposed to use recirculated air with vents, doors and windows closed if we are driving in a car.

2 Responses to “CarbKiller: Mmmm Yummy”

  1. Jodie says:

    ooh not good. I hope everything is brought under control.

  2. Hogzilla says:

    I’ve been thinking about you! Stay safe and stay inside!

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