So the new first family just got their secret service code names:

Barack Obama: Renegade

Michelle Obama: Renaissance (okay it’s pretty but it’s really long so I’m not a huge fan.)

Malia: Radiance (okay that’s pretty cool)

Sasha: Rosebud (awwww)

I found all these from an article HERE.

I think I’d want to be:

Eagle: Bill Clinton

Energy: Chelsea Clinton

Riddler: Michael Reagan

Radiant: Doria Reagan

Names that made me laugh

Pope John Paul II: Halo (Understandable. It’s probably inappropriate that I immediately think of THIS)

Prince Charles: Unicorn (ouch,  was Rainbow Brite taken? so much for manly nicknames!). I don’t know how he could ever look Ronald Reagan aka Rawhide in the eye.

Ted Kennedy: Sunburn. Sadly I relate to this. Why didn’t they just call him whitey?

Now I don’t know about all of you but I was wondering why the heck they make security codenames public. Apparently that’s not all they do though. Check out THIS list. It’s HUGE! Writers should totally bookmark it!

What would your secret service code name be?


6 Responses to “Codename: CarbKiller”

  1. Mia says:

    Very cool!

  2. KJ says:

    I like the new names. Even Michelle’s I the ink she’ll live up to it by being new and surprising. I think my name would be Motor for my big mouth because I’d always be saying something. I have a feeling we are so being punked by these names and whenever they really want to keep things secret they have a whole different set or three of names that they use like Bill, Shirley, Ashley and Keisha. LOL.

    I should ask my friend she dated a married a secret service agent. I remember when they first started dating we called his office and they actually answered the phone, “Secret Service.” I was like what type of freakin secret is that?!

    UGH! running the kids around all day. So no running for me and I don’t suspect any tomorrow or Thursday due to a funeral. This week is now sucking. Will I have to run at night? I think so.

  3. Kristen says:

    I think it’s pretty obvious what my code name would be. DIVA.

  4. KJ says:

    After I typed all my excuses I felt lame a ran to the gym!!! Yay!!

  5. CarbKiller says:

    “I was like what type of freakin secret is that?!” KJ I totally agree. TOTALLY! (and you made me laugh so thanks)

    Kristen, nobody doubts you’re a diva. Ever.

    KJ that’s fantastic! WOOT!

  6. Hogzilla says:

    Kristen, I think your code name would be Kitteh.

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