Of the OH SHIT NOW WHAT? commission.

I didn’t run yesterday because I spent the day praying that my laptop wasn’t dead. it is. It’s going to the shop today to be worked on (and hopefully have its data recovered). I also did some yard work. And came down with a cold. It was a day full of win all around, wouldn’t you say?

So this is my test week. This is the week that will determine whether or not I’m really going to do this. I always have one of those weeks. And usually I fail my exercise regimen and then the next thing you know it’s 4 months later and I’m thinking, “Man, if I’d just stayed on program I’d be [insert awesome here].”

I feel like crap right now. My head is filled with snot and I’m worried about the new book that is due in January that I hadn’t backed up yet. (don’t worry, nobody is kicking me more than I am right now.) It’s funny because on Saturday, I decided I would back up everything Sunday. See? Funny. But not in a ‘ha ha I’m laughing my damn ass off’ way.

Week 3 is my test week. I hope I pass but if the way I feel today is any indication…it’s not gonna be pretty.

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11 Responses to “Hogzilla: This is a Test”

  1. Jodie says:

    Give yourself time to rest and then when you’re feeling better to week3. We’ll be here to shame you into it. 😉 Nothing like guilt and shame to get you going 😀

  2. Jodie says:

    Oh and I hope your stuff is saved!

  3. KJ says:

    Oh Freaking Crap, Mel! I just said a prayer for your back up. If it’s tough then do week 2 again. I only got in 2 runs last week so i did a week to run again today and it kicked my butt bad. So bad. At 8 minutes I got a stitch in my side that I thought would kill me but I ran though it and lived to 30 minuted going at a 3.5 pace and cursing the skinny heifer s on the side of me flying at a 6.5 pace. I loathe them.

  4. It’s an evil irony of life that times like these, when you so don’t feel like and so don’t have time and are under so much pressure, are exactly the times when exercise is the one thing that will reliably make you feel better. Better about yourself, about getting to sleep at night, etc. Don’t give up!!!

  5. fishdog says:

    the exercise will increase your endorphin levels and help you feel better… should also open up your passages for awhile, too.

    and you better hurry, coz it’s about to start raining and if you’re not careful, you’ll end up a mall-walker!

  6. Cinde says:

    fishdog is right. just get out there and do something. even just walking 20 min. means you didn’t let the cold and the laptop beat you. i took 2 wks off when i got sick and ended up gaining 10 lbs and not working out for 2 mo’s. Like you said this moment in time is cirtical. So at least do something even if it’s not your program. All you have to do is just get yourself out there and then decide how intense and for how long based on how you feel. You will feel better for doing it, and sometimes we can run our problems and worries and disappointmetns int oa better perspective.

  7. Hogzilla says:

    thx for the luv everyone. I probably won’t exercise today, but will get back out there tomorrow. I have to.

  8. Birdrunner says:

    your right about that! Coming to my house tomorrow????

  9. Mia says:

    Do you have a pool somewhere? Swimming and/or running/walking in a pool is a great way to clear up head colds, but only if you have access to indoor pool in late fall.

    Hey! What’s wrong with mall walking? Cannot bring myself to get up and do morning and so have to walk at the mall. This wouldn’t be too bad except for the Borders right there… “will not stop” or the Sees Candy Shop, but that one is totally off the radar from now on.

    “Give me back the bon-bon or die!”

  10. Laura says:

    You CAN do this. And it must have been some sort of weird star alignment today because today sucked big ones here too. I did, however, go out and run this evening. It’s raining here but when someone honked and stopped, I figured it was because I knew them and I was inwardly groaning (so don’t want to be seen running by people I know). Nope, it was someone who thought I was running to get home! Stopped to offer me a ride. I thanked him for the offer but said I was “in training” and kept running in the rain.

    About a half a block later I was wishing I’d taken him up on the offer. LOL

    Hang in there Mel. It’s just one day. 🙂 Hope you’re feeling better soon.

  11. Christie says:

    Today did suck! BIG TIME! I hate it being that time of month! I feel like shit yet I know I must run! Soo I run still! Mel, you can do this girl! 🙂

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