Sorry for the earworm…

Thanks to a headcold, I took 8 days off of running.

I was feeling a lot better by Friday, but the cold had moved from my head to my chest. That’s when the coughing began. So I decided it was better to hold off a day or two more. I planned to start back on Sunday.

Then Sunday came and I had no desire to get out. It was a gorgeous day. My coughing was sporadic at best and I felt fine. But I could not make myself go out and run. I tried to talk myself into walking–but that didn’t even work. I stayed in my PJs all day, did a little writing and caught up on my dvr’d shows.

Finally, just before dark, I managed to con myself into going out and helping Fishdog with the leaves. I did about 30 minutes of sweeping and leaf blowing. My day of ‘exercise’ was done.

Monday I wrote most of the day. I didn’t leave my desk except to shower. (Yay! I showered!) Then in the afternoon I had to take my oldest son to Burns Park for school soccer tryouts. This is my preferred place to run. The trail is along the river, it’s flat, and it’s gorgeous.

I got dressed and promptly went to Fishdog and asked him to take the kid to tryouts. I even used the excuse: “That way you can watch him try out.” My husband looked at me with a knowing smile, “You’re just trying to get out of running aren’t you?”


Why do I do this? I actually like the way I feel when I’m exercising regularly. So why, after just a few days off, am I ready to trade my running shoes in for PJs and the couch?

You’ll be proud to know that I got back out there and ran yesterday. Even though I didn’t want to. I did Week Two training again, thinking that it would make it easier on me.

My 2nd run was the hardest one. I actually jogged a little faster instead of faux-jogged at my turtle’s pace and by the end of that 90 seconds I was ready to cry. So I dialed it back a notch and managed the rest of the run just fine.

I’m very proud of myself.


4 Responses to “Hogzilla: Welcome Back!”

  1. KJ says:

    Yay HZ I’m so very proud of you!! It’s really freaking hard to get back to running or any exercise after an illness and that much time off. That’s enough to take you right out of the game. This calls for a very corny and loud Whoo Hoo!!!!!!
    Shoot I find it really hard just after the weekend off. Did my run yesterday and wanted to quit after the first run. Seriously. If you had tried to quit I’d have cried.
    I’m so happy you’re back in the game. Hooray for you!! You make my almost want to put on my shuffling shoes today. Hmmm… Maybe?

  2. I’m proud of you, too! One of the hardest things to do is get back into the swing of exercising regularly when you’ve had some (extremely justified) time away. It took a lot of determination on your part (and only the tiniest of pushes from your husband) just to get your shoes on and get out the door.

  3. CarbKiller says:

    YAY! You should totally be proud of yourself! Getting back into working out after time away always requires uberdiscipline. Good for you! WOOT!

  4. Jodie says:

    Yey you!! I’m proud of you for getting back on the running wagon. SUPER proud. Keep it up. We’re all here for you. It’s all about pushing past that wall and the sense of achievement at the end of it.


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