CarbKiller on July 27th, 2009

Today’s Box Score (so far)  1 hour rollerblading (kicked my butt) 1 hour on stationary bike (meh) Plans include: 1 more hour on stationary bike before bed 100 situps on ab ball Observation: Stationary bikes are the workout equivalent of celery. I don’t actually think it does anything but it’s more productive then just sitting […]

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CarbKiller on July 27th, 2009

I know, I know, it is way too damn early on Monday morning to reference Darwin but I can’t help myself. I spent the whole weekend sitting on my butt, not working out (two days off in a row for the first time in over a month!) and I’m ready to get back to work. […]

Continue reading about CarbKiller: Survival of the Fittest