When I first started running it REALLY sucked. I was conscious of every fat cell, every ounce of extra weight on my body and exercising in public was pretty miserable for me. So you can imagine how much my gut clenched when I saw the title of this blog written by an ultrarunner.

Ultrarunners are people who routinely run well beyond the marathon distance of 26.2 miles. They run 50 milers and 100 milers in under 30 hours in rain and extreme heat, they just keep going. To me they have always been inhuman (and crazy. LOL.).


There is nothing worse then feeling huge and awkward in front of fast skinny people right? This is what one skinny guy thinks:

Hey, Fat Girl



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One Response to “Hey, Fat Girl”

  1. Hogzilla says:

    This “fat girl” needed to read that.

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