We had another soccer-filled weekend and again, i found myself at Burns Park–the same place I started this program last Sunday.

You remember Day 1 right? Me faux-jogging and all my kinsmen popping out of the water to watch me? Well, I counted 6 turtles today. Seriously, I’m beginning to wonder if maybe there’s not a wee smidge of truth to the whole Pied Piper for Turtles thing. They really seem to get me.

Or they enjoy watching me because it makes them feel better about themselves.

This week’s running times are 90 seconds running with 2:00 walking in between. I was totally dreading the 90 second intervals, but I was very surprised to find out that I got through them today without any trouble. Taking Friday and Saturday off after Thursday’s run really seemed to help.

My knee didn’t bother me at all. I’m going to ice it down this afternoon, but only as a precautionary tactic.

Oh and I lost almost 6 lbs last week. Which is good. I usually gain weight my first 2 weeks on an exercise program because I build muscle so fast (KJ, I suspect that’s what happened to you last week). I don’t expect to lose weight this week after last week’s big loss, but it was a nice way to start off the day!

Who else started week 2 this week?


7 Responses to “Hogzilla: Cto5K, Week 2, Day 1”

  1. CarbKiller says:

    You are awesome!

    I’m being a chicken. I walked yesterday morning so it wasn’t a total day off. So far today *is* a total day off.

  2. Laura says:

    I did the week two program only I stopped at the 20 minutes or 4 “runs” again. Actually felt pretty good after the “do no resuscitate” thoughts passed. Went out later and did lawn work.

    A good day. 🙂

  3. slindylou says:

    I am going to try to re-start this week. A sinus infection and some killer cramps sidelined me last week but I’m not giving up yet.

  4. KJ says:

    6 lbs is awesome Mel!! You rocked it.

    I don’t know if the muscle thing is what happened to me. I have to actually diet I guess. As for week to. Let me make it to the gym and see.

  5. Mia says:

    Woo-hoo HZ! Nice weight loss and forward momentum on the C25K plan.

  6. cinde says:

    great job, mel! Keep it up!

  7. Jodie says:

    Woweee! Thats great on your loss. Me I haven’t lost anything, but I do feel fitter so that is something.

    My wk2 I did yesterday. THAT IS THE LONGEST 90SEC OF MY LIFE!! Holy moly. I knew when the 60sec were up, but man! On an up note… i’m still alive. LOL No stitch and no aching muscles wahoo!

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