I celebrated big last night. I jumped off the booze wagon and into a bottle of champagne. Plus a few beers. So this morning, I had a bit of a hangover…

Who am I kidding, I had a helluva hangover. My head was throbbing. I didn’t drink that much, but guess what? I didn’t eat either. Bad Mel.

Yesterday was supposed to be my Week 2, Day 2 training day, but I was too glued to the TV and my computer. I abandoned my Day 2 with the intention of running today. Of course, when I made my grand plan, I did not intend to be hungover.

I did not want to run today. Even after my headache went away. But at 4:00, I put on my gear and drove to the Big Dam Bridge.

The bridge is really an amazing place. It’s about a mile long from end to end so over and back is 2 miles. Which is perfect for the 30 minute training session.

The first 90 second run was hard–but I managed. Runs #2 and #3 were pretty easy. But run #4? I would’ve rather eaten toenails. I was on my way back to the other side of the bridge…going UP. I only made it 60 seconds on the hill. It was the hardest, longest, awfulest minute ever. Thank God for the 2 minute walking in between…the last two runs were great…especially the very last one because I was going downhill! So, I added extra time on the final run.

When it was all over, I felt great. Tired, but great.

What did y’all do today?

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7 Responses to “Hogzilla: a big dam run”

  1. Elen Grey says:

    Great work, Mel. Keep it up.

  2. Color me impressed, both by you and that Big Dam Bridge.

  3. Laura says:

    I didn’t run yesterday for the same reason you didn’t. I wasn’t able to run today either though because I have class. Tomorrow I have a doctor’s appointment after work and a massage after work on Friday. But I’m going to get a run in tomorrow and then one Saturday. And start again on Sunday. I’ve got to!

    And I’m proud of how well you’re doing. I don’t think I could run uphill!

  4. KJ says:

    Hooray for you Mel! That is great work. I said earlier I did my run at the gym though I felt like crap. I don’t know about tomorrow. I’m having outpatient nasal surgery. I’ll see how I feel in the morning though. If I can get out early enough I’ll go. I really want to get in my 3 times for the week. I think aliens have taken over my brain.

  5. Jodie says:

    That is dedication. Way to go. I love that you have these nice places to run! It sounds so nice.

    I did day2 of wk2 today. Ran to the oval and did a few laps. I think I’m running faster, because it took me half a lap to do 90sec run, but in this one I went a couple of meters over a half a lap, so yey. I gave it my all on the last run and yeh, that wasn’t fun LOL. But when I was done I felt really proud of myself. Saturday will be the ‘hilly’ run so I’m not looking forward to that at. all. Oh well, all in the name of eventual fineness and fitness.

    Oh, and I’d been having trouble breathing recently, thought it was maybe adult asthma or something. Nope. Ends up I have a strained chest wall. Go figure. Apparently go that from lifting the kids too much.

  6. Hogzilla says:

    Thanks you guys.

    Connie, the bridge is really impressive and it’s gorgeous at night. They’ve got it lit up with different colored lights. It’s really something to see.

    Laura, I want a massage!

    KJ–good luck with your nasal surgery. You’re doing great with your workouts. The fact that we’re still doing this running thing even though it’s not the most enjoyable thing ever…so good on ya!

    Jodie, I can tell I’m running a little faster as well. (not much) I definitely did the 2 miles in under 30 minutes. Who knows? maybe it won’t be too long before I stop faux-jogging and start real jogging!

  7. CarbKiller says:

    I covet your Big Dam Bridge. *sigh*

    I run along big damn plots of concrete along a busy road.

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