So I have this relationship, a shallow but physically satisfying relationship with my refrigerator. And my pantry. And all the aisles of my local grocery store. Well, except the hardware aisle, I don’t get cravings for duct tape (shut up Feisty).

The truth is chocolate is not my downfall. Sweets, chips, candy, etc aren’t my downfall. If they were I might be able to go cold turkey like I did with Diet Coke. My downfall is dumb stuff. Like BREAD. And yes, I know it’s possible to cut out bread, those Atkins people do it without blinking. Me? I’d rather cut off my frickin’ arm.

Breaking up is hard to do.

So I had to take these potentially violent tendencies into account this year when I considered my size (robust), my goals (considerable), and the fact that I had a brand spanking new calendar (*squeee*) with empty sheets full of promise. So instead of cutting anything out (*GASP*) I’m writing it all down. Today is the 7th of January and I’ve lost two pounds so far. TWO. I’ve successfully fought off several snacking binges and I’m not even bitter about it. THAT is awesomeness personified.

It also helps that I’ve been doing a lot of walking.

The place I was house sitting with the adorable dogs? Well, I had to walk the big one every morning at SIX. this was my view for most of the walks.

That’s Lucky. He’s 110 pounds of energy and enthusiasm. And he’s only 9 months old. Apparently when a Great Dane and retriever get it on you end up with a tan colored elephant.

Sometimes, though, Lucky would pause to water the scenery and it gave me a chance to take a picture of the view.

Yes, that’s the view of the valley from the ridgeline where the hiking trail was located. If it wasn’t 30 miles from my house I’d be down there every day. Do you see the dip between the mountains? That’s the Pacific Ocean at 6am. How cool is that!

  • As for the dogs life. Well, Lucky and his 25 pound nemesis 8 week old puppy Tiger were only actually not fighting a handful of times per day. Apparently even animals call a truce over water breaks. No, not food, WATER breaks.

For those few moments I had peace. Other then that they kept me on my toes.

So what have you all been up to?  I feel like I just came back from camping or something. Sheesh!

2 Responses to “CarbKiller: Breaking Up is Hard to Do”

  1. Sabrina says:

    Love the pics! And by the way Lexy LOVES the counter for the Long Beach Marathon : D

  2. CarbKiller says:

    I’m glad she does since she is about to be assimilated. Muhahaha!

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