Dear Blogland,

Today was one of the best winter days I’ve had in…years! Thank goodness because it could have gone the other way for sure.

My sister decided at 8pm last night that today was the day we were going skiing/snowboarding. (She boards, I ski). Fortunately, my schedule allowed it which was fantastic because:

1) I promised her a snow day for Christmas and today was 2-1 at Mountain High so I only had to pay $60 instead of a much more painful $120.

2) There was NOBODY on the mountain. Usually when we reach Wrightwood, CA traffic slows to a crawl and parking is a miserable mix of slipping, sliding and falling on one’s ass. Today we actually parked in the attached lot and didn’t have to bus in from Timbuktu.

3) There was enough snow to ski/board but not so much snow that we needed snow tires or chains (neither of which we’ve ever actually used) or prayers of safekeeping before urging my poor Honda forward. The roads were clear.

I know, you’re thinking, but CK you live in Southern California and roads are NEVER clear, are you sure? I’m telling you. CLEAR.

And here is the most important thing. According to the handy little counter on the top left of this blog I have 17 days until the Surf City half marathon. And I have $80 riding on that puppy so I am totally seeing it through. But even as I think of it I remember I am a chair girl. I live my life in front of the computer. When I signed up for the 1/2 I couldn’t even remember the last time I’d spent more then the equivalent time of a mall trip on my feet. Hell, it might have been back when I worked at Disneyland. (I’m sorry to say I don’t have any images of me in my mint green and white flying nun Gibson Girl outfit from Disneyland). Anyway, I haven’t been off my ass in a long time and I was worried.

Well, today I literally skiied for about 6 hours with one 20 minute break. And it was AWESOME. I think I was able to do more runs just today (no lines!) then last year when we were snowbound for three days.

and I feel fantastic.

I hope I feel this way tomorrow.

Oh, and here are some action shots I took of my skinny-assed sister. There are also a couple nature shots but I’m pretty sure they’d make Ansel Adams cry out in horror. They’re all from the crackberry so cut me some slack.

I know, it's a little off

Are you noticing a trend here?

Are you noticing a trend here?

But the view was amazing.

But the view was amazing.

Oh, and as for weight loss. I’m down 11 pounds as of this morning. Of course I ate half a Papa John’s store tonight in retaliation for eating very little all day so we’ll see how that holds out but I’m hoping…

How are you all doing?

4 Responses to “CarbKiller: Ride”

  1. Sabrina says:

    Down another pound but I skipped working out today. Too tired. I am sooo impressed that you were a snow bunny today! Hmmm…let me know when your linksys goes down and we’ll change the SSID to snow bunny…then to my favorite “fudge bunny” — OOPS I said fudge.

    We have to book our walks so I’ll be calling you tomorrow! Okay its after midnight so make that this afternoon. Have a great day!

  2. ChubbyBunny says:

    I’m really jealous you got out skiing! We were going to go over my B-day, but it was melty, then deep freeze. So too icy.

    anyway – I’m UP .5lb. brilliant. I’m just thrilled. Grrrr.

  3. Cinde says:

    Congrats on the weight loss! I’m jealous of your outing too, I’d love to hit a slope one of these days. Course were flat as a frickin pancake here would have to travel…

    I’m gearing up to a do a very intense workout/weight loss deal I bought from a personal trainer. You are supposed to lose at least 17 lbs in a month, BUT I have to follow it 100%, no cheats or missing workouts. But hey, it’s just for 24 days. I’m really going to miss the booze!

  4. CarbKiller says:

    Sabrina, you make me laugh as always. And we totally forgot to book our walks today.

    CB, you are awesome. Ignore the 0.5. Three days ago I was up 5 pounds thanks to the joys of being female. I consider it a cosmic joke.

    Cinde provided you are only insane for one month that could be an interesting jump start to weight loss. You’ll definitely have to tell me more about it. Although I’ll tell you right now it sounds scary!

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