First of all a big shout out to CK for shouldering all the blogging this last week. It’s been a rough week. I’m under heavy deadline stress, have this new p/t job taking up 3 of my days during the week and last week, I hurt my foot.

It’s a stress fracture and it hurts like hell. I didn’t go to they gym all week, which I have to say, felt strange. I missed it (yes, I said that out loud) but I couldn’t walk flat footed. It hurt too bad. It’s still hurting, but it’s not too bad. I can walk on it now without too much pain. Feels a little like a bruise on the outside of my foot instead of a knife slicing into my bone. Much more tolerable.

This is why it’s so important to replace your shoes in a timely manner. I knew I was pushing the limits of this pair, but I thought just “1 more week.” Very bad idea.

I’m going to buy myself a new pair of shoes today, then I’m hitting the gym to see how my foot holds up on the elliptical. If it hurts, I’ll do the recumbant bike, even though I hate it. But I can’t let my forward momentum stall.

So I’m back. For the moment. Still under deadline, still under stress, but really need some relief and the gym has been serving that purpose well.

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3 Responses to “Hogzilla: been missing me?”

  1. Jodie says:

    Yey you on keeping motivated. It sux about the injury. *hugs*

  2. Cinde says:

    you cracked your foot? ouch! kudos to you for keeping up your wo’s.

  3. CarbKiller says:

    Don’t even worry about the bloggidy blog, we understand!

    I’m sorry about your foot. That bites the big one.

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