It’s gorgeous here in the Rock today, so I decided to try the running outside thing again. I am well aware of the fact that running 3-4 miles on and elliptical does not equate 3-4 on pavement, so I had NO idea what it would be like today. But I have to start adding mileage to my runs or I will NEVER make a 10K.

I went to the Big Dam Bridge because I just love it there. It’s beautiful. Today was especially nice. The river was so calm today, it resembled a reflecting pool. There was no wind and the sun showered me in Vitamin D.
The bridge is almost exactly a mile long. I walked the first slope to warm up and then I ran for 12 minutes–which means I ran on part of the trail on the other side of the bridge. I walked for 4 minutes, then ran about 6 minutes, halfway up the returning slope, walked for 2 minutes, then ran for another 10. Then I realized the time and said, “Oh shit, gotta pick the kid up!” and ran to my car.

Got to school and Rader had caught a ride with someone else, the little Turd-burger.

I was not exhausted. I could’ve run more, with walking in between. I ran for about 2 miles total which I was really proud of, considering just 2 months ago, I could barely run for 60 seconds.

Anyway, I feel great. My legs are tight and sore but I am very happy about it.

3 Responses to “Hogzilla: hittin’ the pavement”

  1. Mary-Frances says:

    Awesome job! Keep it going. I did 15 push-ups last night. Yeah, they were the modified kind where you’re on your knees but still for me that’s good.

  2. Proud of ya, Hogzilla

  3. KJ says:

    Good for you! I’m been such a slug. Having a real hard time getting on track. I think I’m back to week one. Only worked out one day this week. I vow to get back on track though.

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