I hate milk.

That’s right, I’m just going to come out and say it because it’s 100% true. I. HATE. MILK. I only use it when I absolutely have to, like in cereal. In the past five years I’ve only choked down a glass sparingly because of some weird diet or another. But really, I can’t stand the stuff.

That being said, I understand the relative nutritional benefits of milk (calcium blah blah blah) so I try to trick myself into consuming it.

It also helps that I can a flavor and turn it into one of my favorite things.

No, not Bill Cosby (although I did want to be a Huxtable in my youth).

Looks great. Except you should also remember that I’m cheap.

So why buy that pack for $5 (that’s how much it was at my local grocery store I darn near fell over). When I can buy:

for a fraction of the price.

One problem.

Let’s look at that last picture again.

One of these tastes like crap.

Any guesses which one?

Yes, the sugar free one.

I bought two boxes and never realized one was regular and one was sugar free. I’d make 4 at a time and put them in the fridge but I could never figure out why some of them tasted like crap. Then I looked at the packages and eureka.

I honestly hope I’d just gotten a bad batch because they were NASTY. It just makes me sad.

I still chocolate. I still love Jello Pudding. And I will always love Bill Cosby.

4 Responses to “CarbKiller: One of these tastes like crap”

  1. Rick O says:

    My wife and I have switched over to unsweetened almond milk. It’s got a fraction of the fat, sugar, and calories of regular or soy milk. And, it doesn’t have the phytoestrogen or sharp taste of soy milk.

    Neither of us can taste the difference between it and 2% milk on cereal or in baking. It can be tricky to find, as not all grocers carry it, but it is generally in the organic/Greenwise/healthfood section. (It’s not sold refrigerated.)

  2. Jodie says:

    What is wrong with low fat AND taste???

  3. Hogzilla says:

    I LOVE MILK. I drink it on PURPOSE and it goes best with Pizza. Not even kidding.

    Sugar Free Pudding is a vile creation that should only be served in hell to punish child molesters.

  4. CarbKiller says:

    Rick I might try that. Maybe Whole Foods has it? To be honest though, I’m perfectly happy getting my calcium from cheese. Cheese rocks!

    Jodie, I totally agree.

    HZ, mile with pizza???? There is something wrong with you, yes, there is. (Although I agree about the vile creation part).

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