Working out has been good. I haven’t started back running yet, but I am walking 1.5 hours 3-4 days a week, plus the circuit training at the gym.

30-day-shredAnd last week, I added Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred video to my workout. It’s 20 pretty intense minutes and it’s working. Well, my body shape is changing, but I’m still waiting on the weight to get moving. This is what my body does. It holds onto every ounce because IT FREAKING LIKES TO BE FAT. Fuck you, body. I’m not a fan of fat. Yes, I’m the cutest fatgirl ever. Still, fuck off and let go. I’m working my ass off so the least you could do is let me lose a little ass.

It’s frustrating b/c basically every weight loss guru says the same thing: Burn more calories than you’re consuming and you’ll lose weight.

This is bullshit. Because I am doing that and the weight does NOT freaking want to go anywhere. I mean, I know it WILL eventually go somewhere, but I’m a girl who needs instant gratification. I need to know that the work I’m doing will garner results. I need a pat on the head when I’ve accomplished something hard, I need compliments when I write something brilliant, and I need my fat fucking body to let go of some damn weight when I’m working out like a beast.

And I don’t wanna hear any bullshit about muscle weighs more than fat either. I know all that shit. Whatever. I just wanna see the scale move down. Mmmmkay?

Okay, /end bitchfest.

In other news, I’m a big fan of twitter (as many of you know. If you didn’t know, you can find me there and I follow a few fitness dudes, but this one guy cracks me up and offers some really damn good (and funny) advice on his site. His twitter is and his website is BODY FOR WIFE. Read his blog. He has also written a fitness book that he’s working on getting published. No nonsense and frank advice while he myth busts.

So, any progress with you guys?


11 Responses to “Hogzilla: fat chick walking, weighting, and waiting”

  1. ChubbyBunny says:

    I love that video. I’m on week 2, I wouldn’t say its ‘harder’ just different. THere are a few cardio exercises I don’t get into (Push up jacks or something nutty like that) So I just do jumping jacks for that segment.

  2. Hogzilla says:

    I have a real hard time with push ups. 1: I freaking hate them. 2: I can’t do real ones because my ass is so big and I’m a pussy, so I have to do the knee ones and then my knees hurt 3: I freaking hate them.

    Week 1 hasn’t been too hard, mainly b/c I do a lot of weight training anyway. Some of the weight exercises are difficult, some arent. I’m going to complete it tho before I move to week 2. You worry me talking about push up jacks. WTF is that mind-boggling hella torture?

    being a fat ass sucks

  3. Hogzilla says:

    I have a real hard time with push ups. 1: I freaking hate them. 2: I can’t do real ones because my ass is so big and I’m a pussy, so I have to do the knee ones and then my knees hurt 3: I freaking hate them.

    Week 1 hasn’t been too hard, mainly b/c I do a lot of weight training anyway. Some of the weight exercises are difficult, some arent. I’m going to complete it tho before I move to week 2. You worry me talking about push up jacks. WTF is that mind-boggling hella torture?

  4. Caitlin Greene says:

    I am with ya!! i swear to god if I do more exercise my bones will literally leave my body in protest but do i weigh one pound less?? nope, I have lost some inches but that’s about it and they are not nearly as satisfying as seeing pounds drop off on the scale every morning when I have the internal debate over oatmeal or pop tarts for breakfast. If no pounds are lost then why can’t i eat my fricking pop tart!!!

  5. Hogzilla says:

    Caitlin, it’s disgusting. That’s what it is. When we work our butts to the bone and nothing happens? I mean, srsly. “they’ (whoever the fuck ‘they’ are) say that we didn’t gain the weight overnight, so we’re not gonna lose it overnight.

    Again, I say Bullshit. I totally gained it overnight. Without even trying. I should be able to lose it the same way. *pout*

  6. James Fell says:

    Thanks to Google Analytics I saw that you wrote about me and posted a link to I just wanted to say thanks both for reading and for flogging my stuff.

    Best regards,

    James Fell

  7. Melissa says:

    I have that video and OWWW. it worked me.

  8. Carbkiller says:

    That Jillian chick totally scares me. If I was on TBL I’d totally be sucking up to Bob.

    On the other hand I want Jillian’s abs. BADLY.

  9. Hogzilla says:

    Thanks for dropping by! You crack me up daily. I’d much rather laugh than cry. Or maybe I laugh so I won’t cry. Whatever. tomato/tomahto.

  10. Hogzilla says:

    It’s a good video and I use it to add to my circuit training, so I’m usually worn plumb out and damn sweaty when it’s all over.

  11. Hogzilla says:

    CK, get the video. It’s totally worth it.

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