That’s right. I have 13 days until the Surf City half marathon. I’m a little bit freaked (okay, a LOT). I am doing this totally by myself and though that really *is* okay, it’s also incredibly intimidating. That means I have to figure out where to go and what to do all by myself. That really sucks because my friend Maria who intially said she’d walk with me? Well, she’s more organized then I am and is one of the few I’d happily entrust with those details. No such luck.

On the other hand this means there will be no witnesses to my awesome fanny pack extravaganza.

I have been walking mostly every day, sometimes every other. The most I’ve walked so far is five miles so today my goal is seven. Unfortuantely this means I’m going to have to do it on treadmill because I won’t be around to walk on a path until well after dark. grumble

The other freaky part? Today there was a notice on the Surf City mainpage:

Yep, SOLD OUT. That mean’s it’s me and 15 thousand people.

And yes, I’m a little freaked out.

Now ordinarily I don’t mind facing the unknown by myself, but I am a little apprehensive about the fact that this is not something I’m going to be able to joke, whine, or fake a leg cramp to get out of. Well, okay I suppose I could fake the leg cramp but I REALLY want that little medal thing. Big time.

So there we go. T-13 days. And counting.

3 Responses to “CarbKiller: T minus *holy COW* thirteen”

  1. Cinde says:

    you will do great! ikwym though i also get anxiety over what to do, where to park and all that. if it was me i’d prolly show up 4 hours early lol

  2. Hogzilla says:

    I absolutely can’t wait for 13 days to get here cuz I know you’ll kick this in the ass. 🙂

  3. Jodie says:

    Yey! How exciting for you!! I hope you have fun!

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