Workout was good today. Sorta. I did 45 mins on the elliptical, but I was on one of the older machines that I don’t like. The pedals are set a little further apart and I look like I’m running with a corncob stuffed up my nether region. It isn’t pretty.

Now that I’ve done 45 minutes several times, I won’t let myself do less because then I feel like I’m being lazy.I did realize today around the 25 minute mark when I was ready to quit that it wasn’t because I was tired, it was because I was bored. So I just told myself “I can endure anything for 20 minutes.” and just powered through. And every time I looked at the time and thought, 32 minutes is good enough or 37 minutes isn’t bad…I just kept repeating, “I can do anything for x number of minutes, get over it.”

That seemed to work. 45 minutes or bust, 4-5 days a week. That’s my goal for right now. Soon, I’m going to have to start adding miles to my run at least once a week…to get myself closer to my goal of the 10K in March.

I got really nauseous today while doing abs and weights, so I only did legs and came on home. Still feeling a little queasy, I’m hoping it will pass. I usually don’t eat before I go to the gym, but today I ate a cereal bar. Maybe that’s what did it?

So I’m rolling on…trying to keep my groove going. I’m totally into this workout thing now. Not loving it exactly, but loving the time alone, the way my head clears, the sense of accomplishment I feel when the timer says 45 mins complete. 2 years ago, I couldn’t do 10 minutes without nearly passing out. I am really proud of myself.

Anyone else wanna report in? Progress? Set backs? What say you?


2 Responses to “Hogzilla: rolling, rolling, rolling”

  1. Kristen says:

    You’re doing so awesome! You’re such an inspiration!

    I added a little bit of running to my walk yesterday and I hope to do it again today.

  2. Sabrina says:

    That gives me hope. Right now I’m walking between 3 and 5 miles and working on strengthening my back. Not sure if I will ever be able to run long distance again (I was in track in high school) however I can walk/run and my goal for 2009 is the Long Beach Half Marathon in October. If I stay on track I’ll be close to goal weight by then and 13.1 miles should be completely doable. Its good to come to the blog and stay motivated!

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