Hogzilla on September 20th, 2012

6 to go…

Bootcamp week 1 is over…and to celebrate, I weighed…to the tune of -5lbs! yippee!

Today, I walk. Tomorrow I walk. This weekend…more walking.

And when my abs stop punching me from the inside, I’m sure I’ll do some more ab work. Right now, laughter feels like ab work.

I’m proud of myself. I feel good. I’m sleeping well. I’m also peeing a gallon every 10 minutes. Damn.

Onward I go.

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Hogzilla on September 18th, 2012

I think it’s safe to say that every morning after bootcamp blog will begin with


Yes, I’m sore and yes, I’m pretty certain my legs are made of overcooked pasta and sponges, however, I am sleeping like the dead! And waking up with very little problem. THAT, ladies and gentlemen, makes it worth the pain. Mostly.

I am going to seriously have to focus on core and upper body strength. My “push up” resembles something Roger from American Dad might try to pass off as a push up with his weenie arms.

I think we look pretty similar when we “run” too. (Minus the mustache)

Part of my push up problem is the ding-danged-ol’ Arthritis in my left elbow. Last night, we worked out 3 minute exercises per station. Um…No way in HELL could I do 3 minutes worth of non-stop push ups. Even the girl-style push ups.  I did multiple sets of 10…and my elbow starts hurting at 7. But I managed to get through. And my shoulders and upper arms are sore today, so I know I did some good.

We won’t even discuss Planking. I mean. If I end the 9 sessions being able to hold a plank for more than 8 seconds, I will consider myself a winner.

Tonight, I walk with Robyn. Tomorrow night, bootcamp the 3rd. Thursday, all the wine will go in my mouf…. I mean, nothin’.


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Hogzilla on September 17th, 2012

The see me comin’…they be hatin’…

Good Monday Morning FatChick Readers! How was your weekend? Mine was wet, but that didn’t matter because look at my new kicks! Aw yeah. They are awesome.

I was hoping to break them in at the Big Dam(n) Bridge this weekend, but it was just too rainy. The water from the sky forced me to go to the gym. I like the elliptical trainer because of the calories I burn, but I hate it because about 20 minutes in, both of my feet fall asleep. WTF is up with that? You should see me when I’m through running and trying to dismount. It’s hard to walk when you can’t feel your feet.

Tonight is bootcamp #2. I swear I’m looking forward to it. I mean it. I can’t wait. It’s gonna be awesome. Right? Right? RIGHT?

Oh, I forgot to mention, I’ve been using My Fitness Pal to document my food, booze, water, and exercise. I’m loving it. It really helps keep me on track. You should check it out! Also, there’s an app for that.

See y’all tomorrow for the After Bootcamp Obituary, er, I mean, report.


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Hogzilla on September 13th, 2012


The people in the picture are lying to you. There’s no smiling in bootcamp! There’s sweating, moaning, groaning, WTFing and possibly some bleeding…but definitely no smiling.

So, I survived. It is gonna be hard, but I’m determined to complete the 9 sessions.

These are last night’s lessons learned:

  1. Nobody is pretty at bootcamp. Except for the instructor.
  2. Wearing old, worn out sneakers because your new ones are on order is not gonna make your life easier. Or your back hurt less.
  3. If you have arthritis in your elbow, you’ll want to take an Aleve or Advil before you go–other wise, your left arm will not get a full workout due to the excruciating pain you’ll experience.
  4. The instructor may tell you that your body can take it if you push yourself, but your body is going to tell you she’s a liar.
  5. If you want to get in the back of the class, arrive 30 minutes early.

I think I’m going to like the class when I get more comfortable with what we’re doing. Wow, it’s a lot of work, but that’s okay. Despite having to pee 4 times in the middle of the night, I woke up well rested today, and that hasn’t happened in months.

Also, ladies? When you go to bootcamp, please don’t wear giant, dangly earrings. You just look like a moron.

I’m happy I went. I’m happy I survived. I’m happy I have a weekend to walk and recover.

Oh and it food news,  I did pretty well yesterday:

Calories Carbs Fat Protien
Totals 1,138 187 54 21
Your Daily Goal 1,340 184 45 50
Remaining 202 -3 -9 29


Hogzilla on September 12th, 2012

Tonight, I start bootcamp. I’ll bitch about that tomorrow.

Today, I officially registered for the Little Rock Half Marathon. This will be my second half. And I’m excited.  Here’s a couple of pics of me and my crew when we did the half a few years ago. (The very same half marathon that prompted the start of this blog…) I figure if I did it once, I can do it again…

I also (finally) ordered me a new pair of running shoes. LONG over due, that was.

It has begun. The apocalypse is nigh. MELF is on the loose with a goal…look out world. Hide your kids! Hide your wives…

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Hogzilla on September 10th, 2012

Depression can be very, very sneaky. It can grab a hold of you when you least expect it…and then what do you do?

Well, if you’re me, you try to eat, drink, and sleep it off.

And then you wake up fat and dumpy slightly more curvy than expected. (And winter is coming (hur hur)…I need to be able to fit into my pants!)

WTF happened to me? I was motivated. I did a damn Half Marathon, I lost 50lbs! I survived a divorce, fell in love again, got a job…I shouldn’t be depressed!

But, sometimes your circumstances don’t have anything to do with your emotional status. Sometimes, you just wanna be in a coma sleep.

The last time this happened to me, it was after I had separated from my husband. So what did I do when I realized I was eating, drinking, and sleeping my life away? I focused my energy on diet and exercise and therapy. And wow, what a world of good that did me! Like, in just a few months, I became myself again!

So I find myself circling that drain of depression again. Financial burdens are weighing on my shoulders, my stressful work situation is agitating me, and…well, I just seem to be treading water. I’m just surviving life. And I’m not good with just surviving. I have always been fond of choosing to live. Choosing happiness. Choosing my state of mind.

And with that admission comes this…I chose to join a Beginner’s Bootcamp starting Wednesday. 9 sessions in 5 weeks.  And on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I’ll be walking…working my way back up to a run. Because I’m signing up for the Little Rock Half Marathon again.

I’m all in. I gotta be more proactive in my life. I am not going to sit around and feel sorry for myself any longer. I am choosing to engage. It’s not going to be easy. And I’m sure you’re going to hear all about it. But, with hard work and a little luck, maybe I’ll get back on track to reclaiming my awesome.

Anyone still out here? Anyone with me?

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CarbKiller on June 26th, 2012

Yesterday after over a month of phone tag, HZ and I managed to actually have a conversation. For the first time in over a year.

Okay it was more like a year and a half.

And do you know what a year and a half means? Well in our case it started out with “how have you been?” and ended with me agreeing to fly to Little Rock for Little Rock Marathon Weekend in 2013. That’s right, Little Rock registration isn’t even open yet (August 1st) but by golly I’ve agreed!

HZ is running the half and I am so excited to join Team Melf in her hometown! So the question is this. Do I run a half marathon with one of my favorite people? Or do I commit to the full enchilada and run the Little Rock Marathon. Remember Little Rock? The one with the crazy medal? Last year’s medal was glittery purple and HUGE. This thing would turn heads in Vegas. So of course I want one.


Decisions, decisions. Run with the half or run the full? What do y’all think?

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CarbKiller on October 1st, 2011

If you live within driving distance of Charlotte, NC, you need to do this race. Hell *I* need to do this race, because it has the coolest medal. Ever. If you’re a NASCAR fan, you’re going to cry if you miss this. Trust me.

Watch the ENTIRE video!

Google “NC Half Marathon” since WordPress is being stubborn and refusing to let me set hotlinks until I update plug-ins so that’s what I’m off to do next. Baby steps.

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Hogzilla on July 13th, 2011

Anyone out there but me remember Morris Day and the Time? Specifically, do you remember their song: The Walk? (aside–it was the very first ‘dirty’ song I remember understanding was dirty…) Anyway, there is a verse that goes:

Who? Me? I wear baggies, zip, snap, and drop.
Easy access baby. Yes, before you get a chance to holler “Stop!”
Besides, Rollo likes his freedom.

So for the purpose of today’s blog…

Rollo = Mel’s Boobies.

First off, Monday the clasp on one of my favorite workout bras broke. So…I had to wear the bra I wore to work. And whereas my pretty lavendar silk bra from Vicky’s Closet is nice to look at while I’m disrobing, it is not made for running. Hell, it barely suffices for walking.

Yesterday, I grabbed a racer back bra that zips in the front. It’s a really comfy bra and has always been a very good harness, I mean, friend to Rollo.

Apparently Rollo and that bra broke up yesterday.

Picture this: I’m a half-mile into my run on the elliptical, almost preening as it’s my 2nd day in a row to hit the gym and I’m looking good. Other’s see it, as well, They are basking in the glory of my accomplishment…they are smiling and staring and…

And what is that breeze? and why do I suddenly feel FREE…?

Oh…because Rollo has escaped my now unzipped bra.

BTW, had a pole been available, I could’ve made some extra money during my workout…just sayin…

I spent the rest of my 20 minute run re-zipping my bra every 5 minutes. There were 2 college boys working out directly in front of me who spent the entire 20 minutes ogling me from the same piece of equipment. Their quads should be jello today. I hope their legs collapse as they sit for their morning constitutional…

A trustworthy source has lead me to this site, promising when they say NO MOVEMENT that they mean it. So I’m going to test that bitch out.

I say all this as a gentle reminder to those of us chest areas that are not concave. Wear a good bra. Wear two good bras if you have to. Or come to the gym equipped with your own stripper pole. And remember, some states require pasties…

Here’s the edited (as in no ‘Rollo’ lyrics) version of The Walk. You’re welcome.

Morris Day and the Time

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Hogzilla on July 12th, 2011

What’s been going on in your FatChicksRunning world lately? I can tell you one thing this chick hasn’t been doing…and that’s running.

I blogged on my personal/author blog today about completing the marathon and then just falling off the exercise bandwagon. It sucks when I do that. And I don’t know WHY I do it except that I do. And it sucks. But I started back yesterday and even though I don’t have a race I’m training for, I do have a goal…so here we go again.

Tell me about your successes and challenges lately…tried anything new that works wonders?



PS: I can’t promise I’m back on a regular basis to blog…but I’m gonna try. I kinda miss my fitness blogs…like I kinda miss being fit. Also, I miss Carbkiller…YO CK…Where you be?

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