I got up yesterday morning knowing that my copy edits for my first book BITE ME! would arrive. And they did, just before noon.

I don’t know exactly what I was expecting, but I have to say, copy edits can be a lot more confusing than I thought. Or maybe since this is my first set ever, I’m still just feeling my author newbieness. Either way, the next time I looked at the clock, it was almost 7:00 and I had a pounding headache and still hadn’t fixed dinner.

I also hadn’t been to the gym or stepped foot outside.

So no workout yesterday. My copy edits are due on my editor’s desk by Tuesday which means they need to be on the UPS truck no later than tomorrow. Which means I have 1 day to complete them. Not much time–especially since I’m trying to make sure they are right. This is my last chance to tweak the manuscript so I really want to make my time count.

But I’m going to the gym today. I have to. I’m no longer sore from my workout Tuesday and I can’t just sit on my ass in front of the computer all day without some movement. Well, I CAN sit without movement, it’s just not good for me.

How have y’all done this week? Jodie’s kicking major ass and CarbKiller is walking even when she’s not wearing her gear. Connie? How’s that wii? Cinde? How’s the weather? Anyone else out there wanna chime in?

I’d also like to extend a warm welcome to my sister-in-law Kellie! She posted to the Join Us thread yesterday and I’m thrilled to have her on the team. Her goal is -45 by her 45th birthday this spring. Pretty good goal, I’d say.


3 Responses to “Hogzilla: Where did the day go?”

  1. Cinde says:

    Hey gals! I’ve been sick for 2 weeks. This last week was the worst. I’m still getting over it and my race is tomorrow. http://cindemorris.blogspot.com/

  2. Connie’s Wii temporarily fell victim to the baby kittehs who chewed through the cord to the senser bar (as well as my cell phone charger and the headset I use for work). The lovely people I work for sent me a new headset, but I have to wait until payday (tomorrow) to get the Wii and my phone back in running order.

    Last week I had the double whammy of Thanksgiving being the day after my birthday. It was brutal, but it seems like my will to lose weight is starting to reemerge.

  3. ChubbyBunny says:

    I’ve been doing pretty good, only gained 2 lbs over thanksgiving.
    I’m not counting WW points or tracking, it just seems so tedious right now.
    But, I’d really like to be down 30 lbs by RWA in summer.
    Its been much too cold out to run, so I’ve gone to the treadmill which makes my heel ache something fierce. back onto the Elliptical I suppose – Never give up Never surrender!

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